Rabu, 31 Juli 2019

Liputan Aman dengan Insto Dry Eyes

Liputan Aman dengan Insto Dry Eyes

Menjadi bagian dari kru media dan majalah tuh seru seru sedih. Serunya kalau liputan dan tulisan bisa diselesaikan dengan tepat waktu serta bisa diterima baik oleh pembaca, apalagi kalau mendapat tanggapan antusiasme yang heboh.
Sedihnya kalau musti mengejar deadline di tengah tugas-tugas lainnya baik sebagai pelajar ataupun anak manis yang musti menyenangkan orang tua.
Sedih banget tuh kalau misalnya harus liputan di tengah siang hari bolong musim panas alias kemarau demi mendapatkan konten buat majalah dan media yang sudah kita komitmenkan.
Sudah lah panas sekali terik mataharinya. Gerah pula hawanya. Dan cuacanya juga bikin demam karena musim panca roba peralihan panas ke dingin atau dingin ke panas. Ditambah pula dengan polusi udara oleh debu, asap kendaraan dan lain-lain residu yang semakin membuat tak nyaman suasana.
Kadang karena saking panas dan keringnya, mata kita pun tak luput dari imbasnya. Rasanya mata tuh kering dan akhirnya sakit. Sudah berkali-kali mengkerjap kerjapkan mata juga tapi tak berkurang rasa sakitnya.
“Kamu kenapa, Ris?”
“Mataku sakit banget nih,” Risma mengucek ucek matanya. Dia sejenak memandang langit seolah dengan begitu akan ada perubahan.
“Jangan malah kamu ucek lah. Ntar tambah sakit lho,” Dewi memperingatkan sahabatnya.
“Aku pulang ya,” mulai putus asa Risma hendak beranjak pergi.
“Lhoh gimana sih. Kan liputan kita belum selesai nih Kan  arak-arakan prajurit patang puluhannya belum selesai,” Dewi menarik lengan Risma, menahannya untuk tidak jadi pergi.
Yang sebenarnya, dirinya sendiri juga lumayan capek. Semalaman mereka meliput arak-arakan tumpeng songo dari arah pendopo kabupaten ke arah masjid Agung Demak. Berdesak-desakan dengan banyak warga yang berebut tumpeng dari Sembilan tumpeng tersebut.
Siang sebelumnya mereka sudah jalan ke arena tempat Grebeg Besar di Tembiring. Dulu tempatnya di alun-alun depan Masjid Agung persis. Tapi sejak beberapa tahun terakhir lokasinya jadi lebih jauh sehingga mereka harus ekstra energy untuk ke sana.
Di hari-hari menjelang Idul Adha begini, warga makin banyak yang memadati Grebeg Besar sehingga makin penatlah tubuh ketika liputan seperti itu.
Pagi ini mereka ke Grebeg Besar lagi melanjutkan beberapa pengambilan gambar dan makin siang makin kering dan panas.
Kemudian mereka mengikuti arak-arakan Prajurit Patang Puluhan dari arah masjid Agung ke Masjid Kadilangu. Dengan panas dan kering yang makin menjadi-jadi. 

“Mataku masih sakit,” keluh Risma menyerah.
“Wan!” Dewi meneriaki salah seorang kawan yang lewat.
“Kamu biasanya membawa banyak obat di kantong ajaibmu kan?” cegat Dewi sembari menarik Awan mendekat ke arah Risma yang menunduk sambil memejamkan matanya.
“Mata Risma kenapa?” Awan yang peka dan cepat tanggap langsung memeriksa mata Risma, kawan akrabnya juga selain Dewi dan kru majalah mereka lainnya.
“Nih pakai Insto Dry Eyes,” Awan mengambilkan obat dari dalam tasnya.
 “Insto dry eyes bisa membantu  mengurangi pegal di mata, sebab berfungsi seperti air mata buatan,” imbuhnya.
Insto dry eyes  mengandung bahan aktif yang dapat mengatasi kekeringan pada mata dan dapat digunakan sebagai pelumas pada mata. Selain itu juga memiliki bahan aktif yang dapat membunuh bakteri. Obat tetes mata ini tersedia dalam ukuran  7.5 ml. Mata Kering, Mata Sepet, Mata Pegel, Mata Perih, Mata Lelah merupakan gejala mata kering. Solusi pegal, sepet dan perih  pada mata tentu saja Insto Dry Eyes

“Alhamduillah. Makasih ya,” Risma sudah tersenyum sekarang dan bisa melanjutkan liputannya hari ini.

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Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019

Dian Nafi

Dian Nafi, Graduated from S1 Architecture Technic Diponegoro University. Love travelling and writing fiction, non-fiction about pesantren, women, parenting, entrepreneurship, personal growth and people development. Coach and Trainer at Gramedia Academy, Mentor at Kampus Fiksi, Tutor Women Will by Google, Public Speaker at more than 50 cities in Indonesia. Author 28 books, 86 anthology of 17 Indonesian publishers. Blogger www.dian-nafi.comwww.writravelicious.comwww.hybridwriterpreneur.com. Journalist www.demagz.web.id. CEO Hasfa Camp & Publishing www.hasfa.co.id

Her profile has been loaded at Harian Analisa Medan (2011) Buku Profil Perempuan
Pengarang dan Penulis Indonesia (KosaKataKita, 2012) Jawa Pos-Radar
Semarang (2013) Alinea TV (2014) Koran Sindo (2014) Tribun Jateng
(2015) Nakita (2016) TVKU (2018)

Favorite Winner LMCR ROHTO 2011 and 2013. Selected Author writing workshop KPK 2011, Selected Author writing workshop Kompas 2012, Nominee Favorite Non-Fiction Anugerah Pembaca Indonesia 2012. PSA Awardee 2013. Bulan Narasi Awardee 2014. PSA Awardee 2014.  Nominee Favorite Fiction Anugerah Pembaca Indonesia 2016. Awardee Literary Appreciation from Bupati 2017. Winner of Lomba Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah 2018. Finalist Fellowship IBT Tempo 2018. Selected Paper Presenter on International Conference at Radboud University Netherland 2019

Active on many writing communities, blogger communities and other communities. Head of Research and Development Fatayat NU Demak; Research and Development CodingMum Bekraf (Badan Ekonomi Kreatif); Head of Organization Division GOW (Gabungan Organisasi Wanita) Demak, Head of Sastra Committe DKD (Dewan Kesenian Daerah) Demak. Secretary KBIH Muslimat NU Demak.

Having conservative orthodox life hood at pesantren, but also getting modern influence at her architecture campus life, make Dian Nafi become paradox on her writings. Spiritual but also revolt simultaneously. Her 28 books and 86 anthologies which published by 17 publishing in Indonesia bring her giving speech at more of 50 cities and hundred occasions. Active at research & development of Indonesia's largest Religious institutions, she shout and act for women Empowerment. She actuate many literacy activities and Conduct many literacy communities. She just presented her paper on International Conference at Radboud University Netherlands.

sosmed dian nafi

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Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

lessons from euro trip

lessons from euro trip

 Some great inspiring values/lessons that I get from eurotrip:
- dress well or go home - love walking -love bike -we responsible to our own garbage
-on time -respect others -not judging -contribution for society -cooking by themselves -healthy lifestyle -enjoy life

There's no compromise. Even one second. Bus will go on time. Train door will be closed on time. I am almost pinched by metro door. Fortunately there are some people succed to pull the door again to let me in. I still can feel that door on my face & cheek right now. I almost dead

Just before metro comes, Ning ask me to take her pict. As usual, she isn't satisfied. She want me to take another shoot. Then I have not enough time to reach the metro. Ning puts me in trouble many times.But I'm trained to be managed by scorpio's flaws,so I survive

Walking with spoiled girl is actually not my preference.There're some occasions where I have opportunity to hang out or socialize with some kind of upper class.Sometime I think maybe time for me to upgrade of lift up my lifestyle etc.But many times I realize I was born to be egaliter

Because of the metro on time closing door also, 4 persons of tour group left in the metro while 6 other persons has out. The tour leader is forced to catch up those 4 to next station. It has been midnight,our journey obstructed because of this incident

But from this incident, we get another lesson. First, never far from the group or you will lost. Second, whatever happen, the group safety and togetherness is the priority. Rather than angry, we feel sorry n worry each other. Thanks God, we unite again

The most exciting about 2 weeks in europe is I can socmed fasting. Having 80 Whatsapp group make me tiring everyday. Then europe trip release me from that tension coz I don't even open whatsapp, except for conference and tour purpose. I get peace, feel contentful.

Dutch mindset that ignorant with other's business, inspires me to liberate my self more from irrelevant matters. It works well, actually. Because we don't have to endure unmecessary burdens. Lighter the load, more spacious life and soul.

At Holland, there's no people shout each other. No fight, no drama. No anger. No horn car shouting to pedestrian. No jam. Ney ney. Everyone act in silence. Very quiet in airport, station, train, bus, store, etc. Everyone looks happy, smile, laugh or stay calm.

Many people have enthusiast to learn and study. I meet Maroco girl who get 3 masters from VU univ for 3 different subject at same time. Spiritual science, communication and religious studies. She keeps chasing me after my paper presentation, asking many question etc

I also met Brazilian girl who get PhD in ecology subject. In Brazil, the education is free until PhD. She plan to teach in her university if possible. But she also has alternative plan to make online courses coz now we have more options and support tech in this era.

Hope this inspires you all!

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