Rabu, 21 Desember 2022

Dian Nafi : Enterpreneurship, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Syariah

Dian Nafi: Enterpreneurship, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Syariah

dian nafifield/research interests

Dian Nafi: Enterpreneurship, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Syariah, Ekonomi Kreatif, UMKM/SME, Resilience


S1 Architecture Universitas Diponegoro

S2 School of Government Public Policy

project, organization

Publishing Sector Creative Economy Committee 2020-2025

CodingMom economic creative R&D 2018- now

KNPI women empowerment 2019-2024

GOW women empowerment 2017-2023

Hasfa Creative Camp coordinator 2015- now

JID2019069152 - Hasfa Publishing & Books - Kode kelas : 41
DID2019060226 - Hasfa Craft -Kode kelas : 16

language skills


university, campus, community teaching, guest lectures

Wordpress and blogpreneur for UMKM/SME, WORDPRESS community 2022

Technopreneurship Diponegoro University 2018

universitas brawijaya 2022 architecture preservationeurship

SGPP 2022 sustainability leadership in business

universitas diponegoro 2022 heritage architecpreneur 

udemy 2022 digital marketing, copy writing, book writing

udemy 2021 editing, blog to book, blog writing, publishing, short story writing, novel writing, creative writing, writerpreneurship

Univ mulawarman 2020 architecture writerpreneurship

gramedia academy 2020 digital marketing

hasfa institute 2020 writerpreneurship

udemy 2020 essay writing, memoir biography, writerpreneurship, life reset coaching

Unnes Universitas Negeri Semarang 2019 writerpreneurship

Sma pradita dirgantara 2019 fiction writerpreneurship

gramedia academy 2019 writerpreneurship, writing skills and fieldwork

Unisfat universitas sultan Fattah 2019 creative writerpreneurship

Gapura Digital by google 2018 digital marketing

Iain walisongo 2018 writerpreneurship

Upgris universitas PGRI Semarang 2017 creative writerpreneurship

womenwill by Google 2017 womenpreneurship

Kedokteran Unissula universitas sultan agung 2016 Pekan Jurnalistik Nasional  essay writing and writerpreneurship

Iain walisongo 2016 productive writerpreneurship

akademi berbagi 2017 writerpreneurship

Akademi Keperawatan Medan 2015 sociopreneurship

Arsitektur undip universitas diponegoro 2015 digitalpreneurship

2014 IAIN & Pesantren Purwokerto writerpreneurship

2013 Sultan Agung University Unissula Writerpreneurship

honours, awards

Writerpreneurship Apreciation from Region 2017

books, book chapters

101 bisnis online paling laris - Gramedia 2014

Chicken soup stories for Mompreneur - Granedia 2015

Women in Digital Era - Hasfa 2016 

Mom Codingpreneur Life 2020

Copy and Content Writing - Hasfa 2021

refereed journal articles, book reviews, field notes, other publications

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul (2022) "ROLE OF WOMEN FOR ECONOMIC RESILIENCE," Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia: Vol. 3: No. 1, Article 8. DOI: 10.7454/jpm.v3i1.1025
Awaliyah, D.N. (2021). Books and Discussion Hybrid Space for Creative City. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 738 - 012050 the 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture 10 November 2020, Indonesia. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/738/1/012050

conferences, presentations

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul, 2021, best presenter at International Conference  On Sustainable Halal Industry (Icoshi), UIN Walisongo Semarang

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2019. Women Poverty and Radicalism, 19 June, The 2nd Biennale International Converence, at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherland.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2020. Books and Discussion Hybrid Space for Creative City, November, The 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture, Bandung

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Community Reading Space for Resilient City, September, at Eurasia Business Economic Society, Poland.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Hybrid Paradox Approach of People Development for Human Resilience, October, at The 4th International Conference of Strategic and Global Study, UI Jakarta.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Literacy Schools by Volunteer for Resilient Citizen, November, at  Women Asia Conference La Trobe University, Australia.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Society-based Reading Space for Resilient Community, October, at Indonesia Focus, Indonesia.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2020. Pre-Marriage Education Digitalization, November, at  IAIN Kudus.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Collaboration of Online Learning Platform for Resilience, September, at Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Hybrid Grebeg Besar and Syawalan for International Tourism of Demak, October, at The 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development Issues, Semarang

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Hybrid Paradox Mode for Resilience, October, at  Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture, Spain.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Hybrid Paradox Strategy for Community Engagement, July, at  Southeast Asia Conference on Media, Cinema and Art, UGM Jogjakarta.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Literacy Festival for Text Workers Resilient, October, at the 37th EBES Conference-Berlin, Germany. 

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Hybrid Cultural Festivals of Demak for Halal International Tourism, October, at The 1ST International Conference On Sustainable Halal Industry, Semarang.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2022. Hybrid Paradox Approach for Depolarization and Deradicalization, January, at Star Scholars Conference, India.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2020. Alhikam Religious Book Insight for Resilience Mindset     , January, at Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy, Tokyo.  

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2021. Society-Based Reading Space For Resilient City, September, at Siceto, Palembang.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2022. Women Empowerment At Demak Coastal Region. May. At 24th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Australia.

Awaliyah, Dian Nafiatul. 2022. Collaboration of Literacy Communities For Creative City, at AIFIS -Michigan State University, America.

Profil at media coverage

Harian Analisa Medan (2011) Buku Profil Perempuan Pengarang dan Penulis Indonesia (KosaKataKita, 2012) Jawa Pos-Radar Semarang (2013) Alinea TV (2014) Koran Sindo (2014) Tribun Jateng (2015) Nakita (2016) Wawasan (2017) TVKU (2018) kabareSemarang (2019) lingkarluar (2020) RSKW (2021) TVNU (2022)








Email : diannafihasfa@gmail.com


ID Scopus         : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57223292593 
Google Scholar : http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ce5u5mAAAAAJ&hl=id
Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dian_Nafi2
Orcid : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2714-9775
ID Shinta         : https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6699291

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Kamis, 15 Desember 2022

Fashion Jas Dian Nafi

 Fashion Jas Dian Nafi

Beberapa waktu lalu sempat terpikir untuk membeli jas guna menghadiri undangan sebagai nara sumber seminar dari lembaga pemerintah. Tapi kemudian ingat bahwa sebenarnya koleksi jas di rumah sudah lumayan banyak. Jadi tinggal cari saja di lemari, meskipun tercecer di beberapa lemari yang berbeda di rumah yang tidak sama. Daripada beli lagi tapi malah menambah tumpukan beban hidup yang seharusnya diminimalisir, ya kan. 

Dian Nafi dan Legenda Sastrawan Indonesia NH Dini

Dian Nafi pada Acara Kementerian Kesehatan di Hotel Horison Semarang

Setelah sukses memanfaatkan outer batik double side, dan jadi kapstok hidup di beberapa event, kali ini jadi tergelitik untuk mengorek dan menggali fashion yang lain. Sama-sama outer atau atasan luar, tapi kali ini untuk forum-forum yang lebih resmi. Pilihannya tentu saja jas. Berikut beberapa penampakannya. 

Dian Nafi di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. 

Dian Nafi dan Hetih Rusli di Festival Literasi Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta

Dian Nafi dan pak Gita Wirjawan di School of Government Public Policy 

Dian Nafi di Leiden Central Belanda

Dian Nafi di Nijmegen Belanda

Dian Nafi di Boorhavelan Leiden Belanda
Dian Nafi di Radboud University Nijmegen Netherland

Dian Nafi di Seminar Penulisan Arsitektur dengan para arsitek dari beberapa kota di Indonesia

Dian Nafi bedah buku Mesir Suatu Waktu di Toko Buku Gramedia Pandanaran Semarang

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Senin, 05 Desember 2022

What is Meant For You

 What is Meant For You

There is no need to rush. What is meant for you will always arrive on time.

You have to let go what’s not meant for you, to receive what is

what is meant for you will always feel calm & natural, not chaotic & confusing 

the best will unfold for you. what is meant for you won’t pass you by.

What is meant for you is meant for you and no one can take that away.

They can’t take away what is meant for you. Any delay is nothing but divine order. & It’s gone happen for you, one way, or the other. A way will be made out of no way, Because divine favor is real !! Let your ancestors & guides get it together for you. Trust your path.

You never have to chase who or what is meant for you. Allow things to chase you for a change.

Little by little,

Day by day.

what is meant for you

will find it's way.

what is meant for you WILL remain. stop worrying about things you can’t control or trying to always be one step ahead. 

If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen regardless. trust the universe.

Who and what is meant for you will show up.

What is meant for you will always be yours. Allah will give it to you at the best time & at the best moment. All it takes is some patience. Allahu a'alam

Sabr sabr is the 👌 best

What is meant for you is already making a way to you

This is your sign of you have been feeling hopeless, always remember what is meant for you will never miss you, trust your journey

 do what's best for you and what is meant for your life purpose. If it don't apply, let it fly! And to the womb watchers, mind your business. Let people live and make their own choices!

With all that being said.. What is meant for you will never be toxic. Something out of reach, or hard to grasp. Don’t struggle for the untouchable, find your path rather than struggling to be apart of others who aren’t willing to do the same.

What is meant for you won’t miss you I promise but if it does , it was never meant.

You won’t miss what is meant for you.

“What is meant for you will always be yours. Allah will give it to you at the best time & at the best moment. All it takes is some patience.”


You have access to infinite possibilities. Believe in your ability to exceed your own expectations. Trust that what’s coming for you is what is meant and best for you.

you have to let go what's not meant for you, to receive what is

What is meant for you will definitely come to you in time".

 Try to do better and try to treat others with utmost respect.

 Support others who are in the same industry as yourself!!

Remember, what is meant for you will reach you, even if it is beneath two mountains. And what is not meant for you will not reach you, even if it is between your two lips

Little by little. Day by day. What is meant for you will find its way. 

The abundance mindset is you having the best opinion of God. Scarcity mindset is undermining Him. What is meant for you will never miss you.

what is meant for you

always finds a way 

you are here 

stay the course 

born different 

you are strong 


People call you arrogant if you say you know your worth. They haven't learned anything yet and especially never realise how blessed they were to have you in their life.

But they had a chance to stay in it ...

What is meant for you will stay, what isn't will disappear.

Are you blocking what is meant for you?

Often when we feel good things never happen for us it is because we put up an energetic block because we don't feel like we deserve it. This is most often subconscious.

Maybe what you were dreaming to change wasn't meant for you, hence you just have to find your way. What is meant for you will come to you

What is meant for you will not pass you by. The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you. No matter how far they wander. Trust the timing of your life

You will never miss out on what is meant for you, even if it has to come to you in a roundabout way.

No one can stop what is meant for you. No jealousy, no envy, no evil eye, nothing can stop blessings that align with you

What is meant for you is for YOU. There is nothing anyone, other than yourself, can do to keep you from it. So what are you waiting for? Claim your inheritance and choose to walk in your gifts

affirm that what is meant for you presents itself CLEARLY in front of you. no illusions, confusions comes with what is yours!

Building the courage to go for what is truly meant for you and what is best for you. And what's meant for you would never be at the real detriment of anyone else. That's the beauty of abundance and rizq. Good character can be maintained and you still win.

Only left with a month to end the year, you don't have to be limited by time, cause a day is like a thousand years to God, and a thousand years is like a day. Stay focus on you goal and stay in your lane, what is meant for you will locate you, may God's peace be with you all.

Sometimes two people aren't compatible and what is meant for you won't pass you by. Accepting that is the peace and assurance that lies ahead

Devine timing what is meant for you will never pass you buy In'sh'Allah

What is meant for you is already yours.

Trust that what is meant for you is coming and it's going to be for you. What is not meant for you is falling apart and it's being replaced with exactly what is meant and best for you.

Nothing will mess up what is truly meant for you 

What is meant for you will not pass you by. The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you. No matter how far they wander trust the timing of your life. People come and go in our lives but it's the ones who make an impact on us that stick around

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