Ide-Ide Jenius Dari Six Words
Ide-Ide Jenius Dari Six Words
"Stroke of genius didn't leave mark."–CanadaGoose
Reject the premise. Change the narrative."–Jugggler
"Fought tears. Got doused in shower."–CanadaGoose
"Love intoxicates us. Marriage sobers us."–maryjane31
"'Me too' details optional, not required." By SF51girl
"Bone of contention left to stew."–tagishcharley
"My bullet ricocheted, hit a coworker." - MoreLoveLessHate
"Pen saved me from unexpressed love."–Tharindra
"Lucky in life. Unlucky in love."–J3nny. Oh ya? Menyedihkan ya.
"Every 'me too' demands my grief."–JohnBigJohn
"Time changes lens of luck sometimes."
Passing the punk to next generation."–Ellis_Reyes
"Make Friday 13th a lucky day."–SF51girl
"People often choke on lucky charms."–BanjoDan
"Grandpa's arthritis faded when telling stories."–BanjoDan. Yeay! This is so right!
"Once thought life had dress rehearsals." –TwoBillionSecondsOld
Jadi tertantang untuk bikin cerita juga dalam 6 kata kan ya?
Atau menulis ulang buku atau novel yang sudah pernah ditulis dalam 6 kata juga?
Yuk dicoba!
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For reservation, review and any other collaboration,
please do not hesitate to contact at 085701591957 (sms/wa)
Line: diannafi57
Email: diannafihasfa@gmail.comLabel: cerita, demagz, Event, ide, insight, jenius, kanal, six, word