Minggu, 28 Januari 2024

DEMAK: Research Roadmap Dian Nafi

DEMAK: Research Roadmap Dian Nafi

 DEMAK: Research Roadmap Dian Nafi

Housing and Built Environment Models in Flood-Prone Areas: A Comprehensive Approach to Resilience

women empowerment at demak coastal region

Sustainable Architectural Innovation: Floating House Design for Demak Coastal Area

Demak Coastal Conflict Resolution

Efforts to Address Submerging Areas Due to Shrinkage and Tidal Flooding 

The Identity of Demak: Unveiling Culture, Architecture, Heritage and Historical Significance

Hybrid Cultural Festivals of Demak for Halal International Tourism

Hybrid Grebeg Besar and Syawalan for International Tourism of Demak

challenge and strategies for internationalizing Demak tourism

Analisis Arsitektur Lawang Bledheg Di Masjid Agung Demak: Interpretasi, Mitos, Dan Nilai-Nilai Inkulturasi

The Role of Women in the Preservation of Masjid Agung Demak: A Study of Attendance at Selosonan and Minggu Awal Gathering/Pengajian

Masjid Agung Demak: A Manifestation of Local Culture Upholding Democratic Values

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Minggu, 18 September 2022



Ada banyak hal yang berputar-putar di kepala menjelang hari santri ini.


Diluncurkannya arsip 65-66 NSA shrsnya membuka mata kita bhw amerika&anteknya dr dulunya(&mgkn hingga kini) memanfaatkan sentimen agama kt

Yg agak seram adl 22 okt itu ditetapkan sbg hari santri based on deklarasi jihad santri waktu itu lawan penjajah. Tp NSA amerika hari ini..

..buka arsip 65-66 ttg jihad ribuan Anshor waktu itu(yg pasti krn terprovokasi hoax dst) yg balik membantai ribuan org2 yg dianggap komunis

Jd hmmm... Amrik&antek2nya jelas mengincar kita. Dulu, kmrn, hari ini, besok dst sampai akhirnya kita kalah, habis. Mau?


uwrf, miwf, alf, sampai dengan life-nya salihara, kurasa fest-nya barangkali sdkt byk ada hibah/grant/sponsor & semacamnya. nah, yg hebat tuh kf maupun fest bb kmrn ini mgkn dana sendiri lho. eh kampungbuku & fest mojok juga mungkin, swadaya. 
Untuk  kerjasama  review, liputan dll dengan DeMagz
For reservation,  review and any other collaboration
please do not hesitate to contact at 085701591957 (sms/wa)
DM twitter @DeMagz_
Line: diannafi57 
Untuk mengirim naskah ke DeMagz, bisa via 
Email: demagzcie@gmail.com

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Jumat, 19 Februari 2021

Paper Creative City Lolos International Conference

Paper Creative City Lolos International Conference 

Alhamdulillah salah satu paperku lolos lagi ke seleksi paper di Konferensi Internasional. Kali ini papernya insya Allah publish di IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciences. (Scopus)

Tanggal 10 November 2020 kemarin alhamdulillah aku akhirnya mempresentasikan paperku ini di 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture  International Conference SENVAR 20. 

Presentasi paper berikut tanya jawab dengan audience berlangsung tiga puluh menit-an. Masukan-masukan dari profesor dan juga audience banyak berguna untuk kelanjutan riset dari paper ini. Insya Allah tesisku di study master public policy akan mengusung tema ini dan memperdalam risetnya lebih lanjut. Semoga memberi kontribusi dan manfaat serta berkah yang lebih banyak lagi. Aamiin. Mohon doa ya semuanya. 

Oh ya, judul papernya adalah Discussion and Book Spaces for Creative City. Insya Allah tesis yang aku kembangkan dari situ berjudul Discussion and Book Hybrid Space for Smart Creative City.

Mohon  doa dan dukungannya ya biar lancar, sukses, berkah, manfaat.

Terima kasiiih:))

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Jumat, 17 April 2020

New Normal After Covid-19

New Normal After Covid-19

Kayak gimana sih nantinya New Normal After Covid-19

COVID-19 adalah 'reset button' kepada dunia, dan dunia akan memasuki fasa 'new normal'. Keutamaan negara akan beralih kepada Kelestarian Alam, Kesehatan Publik, Keamanan dan Kebersihan Makanan, Keadilan Sosial, dan Integrasi Ekonomi. Inilah pilihan di hadapan kita.

Things are never going to go “back to normal.” this is the new normal

This is the new normal. What a bleak prospect.

Hygiene practice will become a new normal (good news!). Another normal is that, kita tak boleh bersangka baik dan sentiasa berhati hati even dengan kenalan sendiri sebab takut infeksi. No more random hi to strangers. Another norm is that being unemployed.

This is mostly from reduced driving with the same vehicle fleet. It could be the new normal and ~13 million people living there would be healthier if we electrify transportation.

I hope one if it is normalizing staying at home when you’re down with cold/flu, soalnya selama ini dua penyakit itu dianggap ga bahaya, jadi cenderung masih disuruh kerja Kemudian normalizing concall, supaya mengurangi commuting/meeting ga necessary

Normalising Remote Working for companies too, I hope. It makes time management more efficient

The reality is this will likely be us for the next two years, and recurring lock downs are just the new normal.

Never leave the house
Always on edge
Depressed due to lack of human contact, sunlight, and exercise
Constantly becoming more hopeless about the state of the world
Spend all day online
Facts, everyone is going to get it just a matter of how good your immune system is to fight it off. Take ya vitamins and eat right man.

Sudah di tahap, “okay, this is the new normal. Nggak ada gunanya cemas setiap hari. Nggak ada gunanya berkutat di masalah, lebih baik fokus ke apa yang bisa elo kerjain.” ... and honestly I feel better.

Even if the virus did vanish in a puff of smoke and everyone went "back to work", the behavior of billions of people and every country has been permanently changed. Demand won't quickly come back, borders won't easily reopen, international relations won't be the same.

Di masa krisis, peran negara yang kuat sebenarnya wajar saja. Tapi yang menarik untuk diamati adalah pasca Covid-19 nanti. Apakah krisis ini akan mengubah relasi state & society? Apakah tren negara kuat akan kembali lagi? Inikah the new normal?

Ekonomi Lokal dan Climate and Green Sustainability harus menjadi elemen penting untuk ekonomi "new normal". COVID reset our emission intake and push us to IR 4.0 secara tidak langsung on everything, Business, lifestyle, governance.

Yuval memang jago memaparkan realitas dan kemungkinan2 ke depan tanpa menawarkan solusi konkret. Justru kitalah yg hrs ambil keputusan sendiri spy terhindar dr kemungkinan buruk itu

Yang bikin merinding dari paparan Pak Yuval: new normal ke depan, tiap warga negara harus menerima nasib dijadikan obyek eksperimen sosial, sambil jaminan privasinya dianulir dan hak demokratisnya dibatasi. Semuanya atas nama sikon darurat, kesehatan masyarakat dan ketertiban umum.

I asked God. His response was heart-warming. He said— “What if this is your new normal, will you still be faithful? Will you still serve me, pursue and walk with me?”

Post COVID-19 world: 1. What if COVID-19 isn't a one-off? 2. What if there's another pandemic in a few years? 3. If this is a "new normal," we need to think differently. 4. We can't shut down our economy for every pandemic. 5. We need global health, testing, quarantine standards.

When this is all over,I hope things DON'T go back to normal.I want people to continue to check on each other,and do silly things that make people smile,the kids to play outside,and all of us supporting each other & respecting the world we live in.That should be our new normal.

If you don't come out of this quarantine with: 1.) more kindness 2.) more compassion 3.) realization of our own insignificance and fragility as a species The chances are that you never will.
If you don’t come out of this quarantine with either:
1.) a new skill 2.) starting what you’ve been putting off like a new business 3.) more knowledge You didn’t ever lack the time, you lacked the discipline.

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